The Fleurys Music School is running a Woodwind Orchestra! For age 8-12s (ish) who are around preliminary – grade 2 level. The sessions are during the 2020 Summer holiday in Copacabana:
Wed 22nd, Thurs 23rd and Fri 24th of January
1:00 – 3:00pm (2 hrs)
Total cost $99 per child (for all 3 sessions together)
Please make sure you can commit to all 3 dates.
Each day will include:
75 mins of ensemble playing broken into 2 halves
15 mins of singing and pitch work
15 mins of notes and rhythm work
15 min break
We are excited to be offering students the opportunity to play in an ensemble, with group pitch and rhythm work too. It will give them all a great boost in their overall playing, as well as be a fun social time for them.
What are the age ranges and standard of the children?
Mostly age 8-12s, with a standard of prelim ameb level – around gr 2 ameb.
When do we have to book by?
Bookings close on Monday 6th January 2020
What happens if I change my mind?
If you change your mind after Mon 6th Jan which is our booking cut off date, we would not be able to issue a refund, as we will need to know numbers of players, allow everyone taking part confirmation and finalise many hours of music preparation.
Who is taking the sessions?
JP Fleury and Sally Maer will both be taking the sessions. Please make sure your child is prepared well for their best behaviour and listening so that we can get lots done. Children do behave differently in groups, so please set your child up for their best work mode so that this is fun for all.
Can I stay and watch my child?
We won’t be able to have parents present because of space unfortunately, so please be prepared to drop off your child and pick them up on time.
Will there be a performance of what they have learned?
We will have an informal concert on Fri 24th Jan at 2:45pm and this will be a stand and watch for parents. Please be prepared to bring a plate of food to share on Fri 24th Jan and we will have afternoon tea together afterwards. Depending on numbers, we may offer an alternative venue to perform on Friday 24th. TBA.
What will happen in the rhythm and pitch part of the session?
This will be a great opportunity for the children to develop all aspects of the students’ musical learning with singing and also practising reading rhythms.
How do I know if my child will enjoy these group sessions?
C’mon! It’s music with JP! Playing in ensembles are enormously beneficial to the children’s overall music education and they may make some life long music mates too!
We are really looking forward!
Please book asap and we will issue you with the music to have a look at ahead of time.
Sally & JP